Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Hi there

I am moving the blog stuff back to my main site, - I won't be posting here after this post, so if you have me linked or bookmarked (thanks!), please point your stuff to instead.

Thanks, see you there!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

syd mead/blade runner homage

This is some cover art for the new issue of ImagineFX magazine. I was asked to create some artwork paying homage to the movie Blade Runner and to the design work of Syd Mead. I also put together a step-by-step walkthrough along with the original layered Photoshop file on the included DVD. In case you're wondering about the curious composition and blank spaces, they are the areas that will be covered or obscured by text and logos on the magazine cover.

I wish I had had a little more time to put into it, but I had about a week's time in which I was also trying to knock down a few other deadlines. Woulda coulda shoulda.

Anyway I hope you like it!

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

not dead, just swamped...

Hi there

As the title says I am not actually dead, as my last post date of February might have you believe. I have been doing a lot of work for the regular cast of clients, and most of it I can't show until later.

I do have something I wanted to mention - I've been working on this project for over a year now, and it will be available later this year, in October. It's a sort of how-to book on designing and illustrating fantasy characters. The publisher, David & Charles, saw some of the material I had been contributing to ImagineFX magazine and they contacted me about putting together a book. This is the first of a set of books.

It is available for pre-order now on the site here.

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Monday, February 25, 2008

ZOMBIES! for PCGamer

Hey out there

I was recently commissioned to provide a cover for PCGamer magazine, for a feature on zombie-related video games. Here's a scan of the cover, along with the artwork as I delivered it. Zombies are ALWAYS fun to draw and paint!

By the way, in case you're paying attention - I have not been able to add images to my site ( lately. Something broke with my installation of the open source "gallery" software I use. I'm debating between trying to fix it or revamping the site entirely. Whenever I get some free time....


Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Marvel recently posted their new solicitations. This one is the cover for Marvel Adventures Iron Man #12.

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Friday, January 11, 2008

Ripper of Legend

Another creature piece I did for Wizards of the Coast recently, for their online Dungeon magazine. This is from "Last Breaths."

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Sunday, December 30, 2007


A piece recently completed for Wizards of the Coast, for their online Dungeon magazine (#152). This is actually an earlier version, but I like it better than the one the art director approved.

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Thursday, December 20, 2007


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Sunday, December 09, 2007


This is a piece for Wizards of the Coast online Dungeon mag. You can download the pdf here (requires registration):

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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

leetle robots

AAAAA I'm swamped! So what do I do, I doodle.


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Marvel Adventures Iron Man #10

(edited to upload a higher quality jpg)

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Thursday, November 15, 2007


Here's a piece from the recently released book "Anauroch: The Empire of Shade" from Wizards of the Coast.

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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

couple of recent Marvel covers

Hi there

The top one is for a one shot called Exiles: Days of Then and Now, and the lower one is for Marvel Adventures Spider-Man #35.

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Friday, October 05, 2007

figar drawrings


Monday, September 17, 2007

take 2

Here's the rest of the page, with a second pass at the ink and marker action. Hero looks a little more like George Michael than I had intended. Hey why can't I change the font anymore? That's weird.

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Friday, September 14, 2007


Trying something out - I did the intial rough/layout art in Photoshop, then printed it out very light on to a piece of comic book board. Then I went over it with pens and markers and white gel pen, then scanned the board back into Photoshop. In Photoshop I overlaid some grunge and stone textures. A few extra steps but there's some nice analog noise action that gets added in. Lemme know what you all think...

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Friday, September 07, 2007

One of my favorite online retailers is - they carry a lot of art/illustration oriented drawing supplies, including the pencils shown below that I use a lot. I just received the green gel mechanical pencil, with its very squishy and comfortable grip. The other two pencils on the right I just bought for their sheer gadgeto-fetishistic design quality. The larger one is actually weighted a little funny for drawing (at least for me, but then again I'm kind of a princess), but the smaller one on the far left is pretty comfy.

Anyway, very highly recommended.


Sunday, August 26, 2007

Society of Illustrators Awards

Hey there - sorry for the lack of updates lately. I have been slammed with work, which I know I often complain about (but which I should be thankful for, because as a freelancer that's the preferable spot to be in!).

A while back some of the concept design work I had done while at High Moon Studios got some nice recognition from the Society of Illustrators in LA for Visual Development: I always hate tooting my own horn but I thought I would share. One thing I've discovered as a freelancer is that you do in fact need to toot your own horn if you want to keep working.

This piece won the Gold Award for Visual Development.

This piece won the Bronze Award for Visual Development.

And this piece received a Certificate of Merit for Visual Development.

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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Merry Marvel Marching Society

This is a remake of a poster originally done by an artist named Michael Golden. It's my version of the same poster - one of my favorites as a kid.

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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Heroes for Hire #11 variant cover

Hey evabody

This piece was done as a variant cover for the reprinting of Heroes for Hire #11, which is out on store shelves now! It's a bit of a landmark for me, since it is my very first printed Marvel Comics cover. I actually did this one pretty recently, but for whatever reason it is the first out of the gate. Hope you like it.

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