ZOMBIES! for PCGamer
Hey out there
I was recently commissioned to provide a cover for PCGamer magazine, for a feature on zombie-related video games. Here's a scan of the cover, along with the artwork as I delivered it. Zombies are ALWAYS fun to draw and paint!
By the way, in case you're paying attention - I have not been able to add images to my site (teamgt.com) lately. Something broke with my installation of the open source "gallery" software I use. I'm debating between trying to fix it or revamping the site entirely. Whenever I get some free time....

Labels: publications zombies pcgamer
Excellent Dude! I think the PC Gamer A.D. could have been a little less heavy handed with the color mods though... I mean, sheesh. Your colors are mucho mas mejor.
Yeah, I like the art the way you delivered it! it looks like they went a little crazy with the saturation and contrast. Nevertheless, Nice piece!
so awsome man. Its funny cause I seen this at boarders books a few days ago and picked it up looking at the cover art. Then I visith your blog and see its your piece. Nice work sir.
Killer piece! Congrats on the cover.
Good on ya! I saw that cover the other day in Bill Harm's office and it caught my eye. Most of the time the covers are hacked together design by committee affairs but this one had real grit. He said " Oh yeah Francis did this one" I knew I had to visit the blog to see the original. Great work and congrats having your audience expanded some more. I bet you get a lot of positive feedback and work out of this one:)
nice man!!! Gotta love zombies!!!
Cool cover!
I saw this one and it caught my eye on the shelves !
Looks even better here.
Cheers .
thanks guys! yeah it did change a lot going from the art I handed in to the version that eventually saw print.
all part of the commercial art business I suppose...
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I like the art the way you delivered it
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