This is a piece for Wizards of the Coast online Dungeon mag. You can download the pdf here (requires registration): http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/duad/20071207

Labels: character design, Dungeons and Dragons, publications, Wizards of the Coast
It's the Krakken! Only scarier... I dig the gulls for scale but my favorite chunk of this is the backlit intestines and viscera down near the waterline - looks like the Swell Shark egg cases we have growing at the Aquarium.
Hi Francis. Fantastic image mate!! really like the perspective.
Very cool designs:)
Hey just wanted to let you know that I received your book today and it's amazing. Seems your pretty well rounded with characters and environments ..very talent guy, keep up the good work!
Vey cool indeed!
that is awesome....nice render great design as always
thanks mateys! appreciate all the comments as always..
spencer - far out, do you have any photos of that?
nathen - thanks man, I'm glad you are enjoying the book.
Amazing , truly amazing. Awesome work man.
υαλουρονικο οξυEducation Franchise
I was alone on a sunny shore
by the forest's pale blue lake,
in the sky floated a single cloud
and on the water a single isle.
The ripe sweetness of the summer dripped
in bead of every tree
and straight into my opened heart
a tiny drop ran down
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